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VIDEO: Choosing a Chat Provider for Your Website – A Refresh Friday Webinar

The majority of dealer websites have some kind of chat provider, whether it’s in-house, fully managed, or automated. The reason for having chat may seem obvious – to help conversions.

Ninety-eight percent of visitors leave the dealership site without submitting any kind of information. If you can improve that tiny number, great, but it must be done correctly.

Improving the Customer Experience

Often time, dealer websites are filled with CTAs that light up their pages like a Christmas tree. Sites often “attack” visitors for their information with popups and other nonsense.

And when it comes to chat, there is a right and wrong way.

Chat should be enhancing the customer experience. It should provide another option to make it easier for shoppers to communicate. As Ryan Gerardi says,

If we can’t nail down that exceptional customer experience, we run the risk of losing that engagement, losing that interest. So for me, it comes down to, if you’re going to deploy something, you really have to watch your back, learn from your mistakes, because you have to provide the best customer experience. Having gadgets, whistles, and tools do nothing if it interferes with the customer experience.

Refresher Chris Kivi, who recently aired on Refresh Friday, chimed in on a recent webinar about chat providers,

Less is more. Lighter, clearer, specific, no bullshit. That’s what people want.

Chris picked his chat provider because he wanted to step away from asking shoppers for information right away and be more aligned with other messaging technology, a more natural way to communicate.

Choosing a chat provider

With so many vendors on the market, it may seem overwhelming to pick the “right” chat provider.

In-house chat can offer a better customer experience, but requires staff.

Third-party chat providers offer dedicated staff, but may lack in flexibility.

And more recently, chatbots have entered the scene. Chatbots can be particularly helpful for service, as chatbots can help guide shoppers to schedule appointments.

Chatbots do have a few hang-ups. They can’t respond to every request. Some providers do allow a human operator to take over.

If you’re stuck on choosing the “right” chat provider, pick one and see how it works. Experiment, and be sure not to forget about mobile.

Your Turn

  • Does your chat provider attack visitors?
  • Does your chat platform enhance the customer experience?

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Ben is an entrepreneur creating new technology in auto retail. His technology allows shoppers to review and schedule appointments with their preferred...