Best PracticesDealership Operations & Processes

Pricing Information and How Much do Shoppers Really NEED?

How much pricing information do vehicle shoppers really need? The quick answer is… more than none. Not all customers are price driven, but almost all are price CONSCIOUS. You need to believe this is the universal truth. Enough data has been shared over the last several years to prove that displaying a discounted price from the MSRP …
Best PracticesDealership MarketingIndustry News & Trends

Branded Search, How Much You Should Spend and How Dealers are Getting Screwed

This article serves two purposes: Explain the need for branded search and what it should actually cost and why. Show dealers how to inspect what their SEM vendors are doing to determine if they working in your best interest or their own. Enjoy! Why Do I Need to Buy My Dealership Name? I Have Great …
Best PracticesDealership Communication Tools

VIDEO: How to Reduce Lost Sales and Defection Rates

When the market is down, sales are declining, and lead volume is lower than normal.  How can your dealership respond, not just to maintain a flat line, but to turn around the trend and outsell the national average? What information is available, and what tools exist, to tackle this not-so-uncommon scenario? When Morrie’s Brooklyn Park …
Best PracticesDealership Communication ToolsDealership MarketingOpinions & Advice

Confused by Attribution and Analytics? Don’t Sweat It!

You Don’t Need a PhD in Google Analytics, Attribution Models or Calculus to Hold Your Vendors Accountable There’s been so much talk about and money being spent on marketing attribution and analytics that many dealers are feeling bombarded by topics that seem very foreign when compared to the age-old DISC Test – that is “Does …