Best PracticesDealership Operations & Processes

Internet Teams and BDCs Must be Managed Like Call Centers

Because so many dealers and traditional sales managers continue to look at their internet department as this mysterious group of ex-Dungeons and Dragons players who too closely resemble the graduating class at Hogwarts, it’s important to break down the simplest of strategies that truly drive successful internet sales efforts today. There’s no need to overthink …
Best PracticesDealership Operations & Processes

What They’re Worth: A Dealership Pay Plan Paradox

Dealership Pay plan scenarios continue to vex everyone from dealer owners to salespeople. While DealerKnows is called upon to consult on pay plans for different positions, historical expectations continue to be obstacles in their design. We must get away from antiquated expectations for pay, and start paying people what the position is worth in terms of …
Best PracticesDealership Operations & Processes

Pay for the Performance You Want and Stop Overthinking “Internet Sales”

The perception of internet sales for many dealers and traditional sales managers is that it’s still a confusing area best left to those who are more technologically proficient. Moreover, industry vendors, other so-called experts and even some trainers continue to profit in keeping internet sales a befuddling mystery for the average dealer’s management team. The …
Best PracticesDealership Operations & Processes

5 Reasons Why Your Sales Department Shouldn’t Take that Phone Call

With today’s connected customer, there really are only a few types of phone calls your team will find themselves involved with. Gone are the days of a customer phoning and saying, “I need something good on gas for under $8,000; what do you have on the lot?” Today’s customer, whether a millennial or a baby …
Best PracticesDealership Operations & Processes

What Retail Automotive Can Learn from College Sports Recruiting

T: What your dealership can learn from College Sports Recruiting! http://xxxx Another must read article from @CraneAutoHR T: Dealers stop settling for what’s available and start working to attract the best players for your team. Here's how - http://xxxx w/ @CraneAutoHR F: In retail automotive we tend to go after whoever performs the best in the interview, or in desperate times whoever shows up to the interview. Dealers, stop settling for what’s available and start working hard to attract the best and most talented players. Consider this... Another great article on Human Capital Strategies from Candice Crane / @CraneAutoHR