Industry News & Trends

You Won The AWA Light House Award!

I’m not sure where to begin and I guess that’s what took so long to post this. What an honor.

Last Monday YOU/WE/ALL of us here on DealerRefresh were rewarded the readers choice AWA Lighthouse Award for best online content and community given out by PCG Digital Marketing. The award was presented during the 3rd annual Automotive Website Awards breakfast ceremony in Las Vegas. A big thanks to Joe Pistell for being there to accept the award on behalf of the community.

“Members of the automotive dealer community DealerRefresh, have made this website a top destination for peer advice, vendor feedback, and mentoring.”

When Brian said he was going to do this, I thought – that’s cool, it will be great to recognize all the hard effort we ALL place into running each of the industry online communities and publications no matter who would win. Many are done on a shoe string budget and for no real reason than to better our industry.

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure if DealerRefresh would win. I’m not naturally a very competitive person (I compete with myself more than anything), so other than the posting of the survey here on the blog and in the forum, we didn’t push it. We didn’t solicit for votes via email nor ask people to vote for DealerRefresh. We merely asked everyone to vote, just vote.

So for DealerRefresh to win was straight up AWESOME and truly speaks volume for our community and all the hard work.

As I said up there, YOU/WE/ALL of us here on DealerRefresh were rewarded Monday. Without YOU, DealerRefresh would not be what it has turned out to be.

If you have YET signed up to be part of the DealerRefresh forums – what are you waiting on? It’s time to do it!

Congratulations to YOU! And thanks for voting.

Founder of DealerRefresh - 20+ Years of dealership Sales, Management, Training, Marketing and Leadership.
Couldn't have been prouder as I sat with Uncle Joe at this awards ceremony. All the other awards besides Alex's and this one were given to people who get paid for their services. DealerRefresh, sure sells some adds but has been based on growing the knowledge of those of us on the front lines of automotive sales and does it so unselfishly.

It's great to be part of an award winning community that is truly an example of "Changing the way cars are sold!"

Like Jeff said if you're not on the tech forum you're missing out on some great conversations.....what are you waiting for sign up and learn something.
Congrats Alex. I always appreciate people who give their time and expertise to give back to an industry that has been very good to us. It's great to know stuff, but to put what you know on paper and sign your name to it shows a caring and confidence in your beliefs that means more than just talking a good game. It's what makes you special! :)
Great job and congratulations!

-the whole thing is real.
Alex and Jeff

It was a pleasure to give this award. The automotive community voted and said loudly that has the most valuable content for car dealers online.

Jeff and Alex, I wish you were there but having the ability to present Joe Pistell with the award was fitting for your community and the fact that this is a team effort.

Carrie has photos of the awards presentation that you can add to your site, just call the office.

Brian Pasch, CEO

PCG Digital Marketing
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This is so friggin&#039; awesome!

I am the most stoked about this award. This is everybody and everything that goes into DealerRefresh. Everyone who posts/comments on DR needs to pat his/herself on the back.

Thanks Joe for picking up the award. And thanks to everyone for making DealerRefresh da bomb!
Congratulations to the DealerRefresh team, well deserved!