Best PracticesDealership Operations & Processes

Internet Teams and BDCs Must be Managed Like Call Centers

Because so many dealers and traditional sales managers continue to look at their internet department as this mysterious group of ex-Dungeons and Dragons players who too closely resemble the graduating class at Hogwarts, it’s important to break down the simplest of strategies that truly drive successful internet sales efforts today. There’s no need to overthink …
Best PracticesDealership Operations & Processes

Pay for the Performance You Want and Stop Overthinking “Internet Sales”

The perception of internet sales for many dealers and traditional sales managers is that it’s still a confusing area best left to those who are more technologically proficient. Moreover, industry vendors, other so-called experts and even some trainers continue to profit in keeping internet sales a befuddling mystery for the average dealer’s management team. The …
Best PracticesDealership Operations & Processes

Here is How You Structure a Pay Plan for a Hot Mess BDC

I recently received an email from a colleague asking about a pay plan for an automotive BDC that I describe as a “Hot Mess.” Why a Hot Mess, you ask? Plainly stated, a dealership’s sales structure and associated process flows should be simple and straightforward. When these flows have multiple forks upon multiple forks upon …
Best PracticesDealership Communication ToolsDealership Marketing

Using Your Dealer CRM and Basic Math To Assess Your Lead Providers’ Value

[highlight color=”#F0F0F0″ font=”black”]In part 1 of this 2 part series, Dealership Staff learn how they can use their CRM to understand the Value of Each Internet lead. This helps dealers better align their digital marketing efforts and hold their lead providers and hold your BDC more accountable. In Part 2, dealers will be shown how …