Best PracticesDealership Communication ToolsDealership Marketing

Case Study: Tell Lost Sales to “Get Lost” with Traffic Conversion Analysis (TCA)

When the market is down, sales are declining, and lead volume is lower than normal, how can your dealership respond, not just to maintain a flat line, but to turn around the trend and outsell the national average? What information is available, and what tools exist, to tackle this not-so-uncommon scenario? When Morrie’s Brooklyn Park …

Case Study: How Dealer-Centric Digital Marketing Brings Buyers for One Dealer Where He Wants Them

Over the course of nearly two decades where Firas Makhlouf has spent leading technology and digital marketing initiatives at Driver’s Village, he’s pretty much done it all. From helping the dealership initiate client server architecture to move the group from “dumb” green screen terminals to PC’s in 1999, to introducing new forms digital marketing such …