Best PracticesDealership Communication ToolsDealership Marketing

How My Bad Email Advice Almost Ruined a Friendship

A friend of mine called to pick my brain on email marketing. His company has about 70,000 subscribers and their open rates were getting WORSE with each new campaign. In his testing, he saw that a lot of their emails were getting delivered to the spam folder. He was looking for changes they could make to improve their …
Best PracticesDealership Communication ToolsDealership Marketing

Wanna Chat? What about Now? Now? Now? How about Now?

Is your website turning into the Times Square of today’s website homepage? A constant barrage of invites to chat blinking away, distracting your attention. Is it noise? Is it just smart conversion tactics? Chat is getting a bit gratuitous. While speaking at a NADA 20 Group last week, I was live reviewing dealership website experiences, along …
Dealership Communication ToolsDealership MarketingIndustry News & Trends

Are Wearables Providing a Competitive Advantage to Early Adopters?

According to, businesses are taking advantage of the opportunity of wearable technology and more specifically the opportunity to track and improve workplace productivity. As more and more innovative tech products emerge into the market place and have the potential to change the competitive landscape, businesses are left trying to decide when to adopt and when to …
Dealership Communication ToolsDealership Marketing

TV’s Not Dead. Our Imaginations Are.

A curious byproduct of the data age is that, despite our access to technology that lets us segment, dissect, and analyze like never before, we tend to talk about marketing in sweepingly broad terms, often limiting our discussions to the platforms themselves. You’ve heard this conversation, I’m sure—“What’s your Facebook spend? Are you doing any …
Best PracticesDealership Marketing

The ONE Must Have Feature You NEED to Advertise – And How!

CarStory gave a random pool of participants, ages 18 to 65 years, a list of the top 25 used car features as identified by their data science team as being high in consumer demand. Each participant selected their “must-haves” from among the list. What did they choose?   Music / Media connectivity! TIP: HIGHLIGHT  the media connectivity …
Best PracticesDealership Marketing

Ugly or Not – Your Face has Persuasive Powers! Who knew?

It’s Sunday morning and my phone buzzes with a notification. Text? Email? Nope. I was just tagged in a Facebook photo. That makes sense because I have that ONE paparazzi friend. You know who I’m talking about. The friend whose life mission is to relentlessly photograph every outing. He awkwardly snaps photos at any possible chance. …