If you’re going to talk about some death, you might as well do it on Halloween.
Jeff just called me to point out an article I wrote about the death of SEO (call it SEO 1.0) over two years ago. I forgot I wrote it, but it is coming true right now.
SEO is migrating to lean more toward site architecture and social presence than tags and on-page content. Rereading the article, and drawing on development challenges I see daily I think even the new SEO model will be short-lived.
In order to understand this we need to first understand the way the Internet works. It was originally created as a way to share static data (digital text…hypertext actually). The addition of pictures and video and forms and ecommerce and all the other things that have been incorporated into websites were not a part of the original design. In order to avoid all the technicalities, let’s just say the foundation of the Internet was designed to be really “flat” and static.
Today, we have an Internet that is getting less and less “flat.” It is getting more and more interactive, but most importantly it is moving away from being a website delivery system and is becoming more of an application delivery system.
Take Facebook.com for example. Facebook is not a static website. It pushes new updates to the news stream, notifications, new comments, friend requests, and even advertisements. A static website would not change based on new data coming in; you’d have to refresh the whole page. Facebook behaves more like an application.
What about the systems you use daily to merchandise your inventory, edit your dealership’s website, and to create digital advertisements? Aren’t these all examples of applications; not static websites. And the most glowing example of an extremely dynamic application delivered into a browser is a web-based CRM system.
We are growing more and more reliant on our web-delivered applications: Google Docs (Drive), iCloud, GMail, Microsoft Outlook Web Access (for us Exchange users), and the list goes on and on.
I think about sales managers and all the tabs they have open in Internet Explorer…..one could argue that’s a whole role that can no longer function without web applications.
How does this relate to SEO? Completely! If the Internet is migrating from website delivery to application delivery how does a search engine now find relevance? Does it fully work on reputation? Even that is being gamed just like SEO 1.0 was. Is it about a social presence like SEO 2.0 is becoming? Maybe. Facebook is killing fake likes faster than the Orkin man kills pests.
I bet you’re asking yourself “how does my website become an application?” That’s going to happen in time. You might not even realize it has happened until someone points it out a few years from now. As a consumer you’ll just see it as the natural evolution of the Internet. One day Amazon.com is a webpage, as it is today, and the next day you’ll start to see it act more like an app you have on your iPhone.
As a dealer, is there any action for you to take right now? Nope. Just know that what you think is a constant today probably isn’t going to be tomorrow, but tomorrow will gradually occur just like SEO is changing now.
The interesting thing will be whether the entire Internet protocol (HTTP) system changes because it was not designed for the road we’re on. And another interesting thing will be whether this article creates the same controversy my last one did in the comments string….those old comments are a great read by the way. The old Article: http://www.dealerrefresh.com/death-seo/ And thanks for the reminder Jeff!