Get lucky with Driven Data advertising and FRIKINtech conversion
FRIKINtech and Driven Data create advertising and landing page conversions that are 100% relevant to the car shopper.
Should Your GM be Required to Use Facebook?
One of the universal truths I’ve found in auditing the digital advertising budget for dealers is that they overspend in many areas (third-party classifieds, paid search) and underspend in paid social media (Facebook). There are many reasons dealers underspend in social…
Digital Marketing: It’s Time for OEMs to Rethink Their Co-Op Programs
Digital Marketing: It’s Time for OEMs to Rethink Their Co-Op Programs This article was not written to be cute or semi-controversial. It was also not written for dealers to read, nod their heads and then do nothing. It was written for dealers and OEM executives to get beyond the bullshit being fed to them by …
Confused by Attribution and Analytics? Don’t Sweat It!
You Don’t Need a PhD in Google Analytics, Attribution Models or Calculus to Hold Your Vendors Accountable There’s been so much talk about and money being spent on marketing attribution and analytics that many dealers are feeling bombarded by topics that seem very foreign when compared to the age-old DISC Test – that is “Does …
You Can’t Cut Your Way to Market Share Growth
You Can’t Cut Your Way to Market Share Growth It’s a flattening vehicle market – I get it – but, you simply cannot cut your way to market share growth. Of course, you also can’t keep throwing money at some shiny marketing widget just because everyone claims it’s the coolest thing ever. For dealers with …
Three Ways Dealers Can Avoid “Mobile Marketing Mayhem”
The accelerating rate of mobile usage is not a trend. It’s not going out of style and it’s certainly not reversing. Mobile best practices need to be hard coded into the DNA of every brand, dealer, and marketer – guiding your digital strategy from this very micro-moment on. Mobile cannot be a segment of your …
Shoot Video Like a Rockstar
It’s time to get serious about video. The writing is on the wall for the digital marketing industry as we know it. The true scale of the rampant and systemic fraud in the digital ad space is coming to light . Apple continues to annihilate online annoyances with their iOS ad blocker. With the introduction …
TV’s Not Dead. Our Imaginations Are.
A curious byproduct of the data age is that, despite our access to technology that lets us segment, dissect, and analyze like never before, we tend to talk about marketing in sweepingly broad terms, often limiting our discussions to the platforms themselves. You’ve heard this conversation, I’m sure—“What’s your Facebook spend? Are you doing any …
Google Analytics and Webmaster Tools Webinar with Brian Pasch
DealerRefresh and Brian Pasch are teaming up to offer dealers an invaluable webinar on how to utilize Google Webmaster Tools. Google provides a number of free tools that provide a wealth of information to anyone seeking to increase traffic, leads and sales to their website. Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics and Google Insights for Search …