Best PracticesDealership Communication ToolsDealership MarketingOpinions & Advice

Confused by Attribution and Analytics? Don’t Sweat It!

You Don’t Need a PhD in Google Analytics, Attribution Models or Calculus to Hold Your Vendors Accountable There’s been so much talk about and money being spent on marketing attribution and analytics that many dealers are feeling bombarded by topics that seem very foreign when compared to the age-old DISC Test – that is “Does …
Dealership Communication ToolsDealership Marketing

TV’s Not Dead. Our Imaginations Are.

A curious byproduct of the data age is that, despite our access to technology that lets us segment, dissect, and analyze like never before, we tend to talk about marketing in sweepingly broad terms, often limiting our discussions to the platforms themselves. You’ve heard this conversation, I’m sure—“What’s your Facebook spend? Are you doing any …