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The DealerRefresh 2007 year end review.


It’s time for the DealerRefresh “Best of 2007” posts. This is a round-up of the year’s best-received posts along with some of my personal favorites.

So, if you missed anything from 2007, here’s a second shot at it.

And of course lets not forget to include the DealerRefresh comment record breaking..

It was exciting going back and reviewing all the posts and comments for 2007. There were quite a few more then what I had thought. The number of people participating continues to grow, though I know there are still a lot of readers out there reading but not commenting. So for 2008 I encourage you to participate.

THANKS TO EVERYONE for reading DealerRefresh and for their participation in 2007. We have a great community here and some of the best talent in the industry participating. It’s truly exciting and I can’t wait to see what 2008 brings us.

Jeff Kershner

Founder of DealerRefresh - 20+ Years of dealership Sales, Management, Training, Marketing and Leadership.
Happy New Year to you bro and to everyone really that has become a regular part of DR. It has been a thrill to watch this blog grow in popularity the way it has.

Congratulations too for bringing into this world another glorious child.
It has definitely been fun participating on Dealer Refresh! I've made some great friends off DR in 2007, and hope to expand on that further this year. I have a feeling this site is going to grow a lot more in 2008 as this part of the industry is more and more recognized.

Thanks Jeff!
  • L
    Lao Shi
  • January 2, 2008

Blogging is a two way street and to be successful you want to create conversation. If you talk at your readers in a broadcast mode you aren’t likely to create much of a conversation.

You should have a central idea and stick with it. If you are writing a blog post about the latest and greatest in the auto industry don’t talk about baking cake or the latest clothing craze.

Ask the readers for their thoughts.

You have a much better chance for success when your business model makes what's good for the users match what's good for the business. Our products/services are best sellers not because we're better sales people or markerters (a meritocracy), but because they are labors of love and the product/service is better than the competition.

Giving, giving, giving freely, openly without expecting anything in return. Open communication of thought and ideas. When you create this, it’s like planting seeds in fertile soil. Time, sunshine and watering, that seed will product a crop of ideas and concepts that will florish.

If people in the industry followed Dr. Deming's Phylosphy the industry would be in a much better place.

Thank you Jeff for creating this blog/forum and maintaining the high standards.

<strong>Happy New Year - 2008</strong>

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Well nothing to really say but wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year. Not going to bore you with a list of resolutions or stuff like that. My goals for 0...