This will be my last posting until November. I’m getting ready to head to the remotest part of the planet for a vacation that has been years in the making.
While I’m away, I hope everyone gets on Jeff to launch the all-new DealerRefresh website. I won’t say anything about it other than it is really cool and much more functional. I can’t wait! …I can also see Jeff’s face right now, and can think of exactly will be going across his mind when he reads this: “Alex – you’re such a _____.” Jeff – I’ll miss you buddy.
I’d also like to see my (and your) money still working when I get back, so you guys need to do everything you can to make the dollar strong again. I’m sorry I won’t be here to fight the good fight with you, but I’ll definitely try to keep tabs and be thinking about everyone.
I’m either taking this trip at the best time or the worst, but it will be the trip of a lifetime. I’ll be in the Antarctic Converge with National Geographic photographing the animals of Antarctica racing to breed for the very short Antarctic Summer. I made a blog for the trip and hope to update it daily. If you want to follow along, you can visit and click on the “Antarctica” category….or Email Subscribe on that link. I have that blog filtering into my Twitter account, so you can “follow” along there as well.
I’ll be back just in time to vote, so I’ll see you guys again just as the election is coming to a close. Good luck, sell lots of cars, and say hello to the new DealerRefresh for me!