Which elements are you already using, and which do you need to incorporate?
The first 10 seconds of your video sets the tone for how your message is received. Are you flat and mechanical? Or are you upbeat and and positive? Remember, YOUR attitude toward the vehicle determines your customer’s attitude toward the vehicle.
The second most essential component to the beginning of your videos is personalization. Things like mentioning your customer’s name, the vehicle they’re interested in, and any questions they may have.
Here is a PRO TIP: Use personalized phrases that put your customer in the vehicle. “This car is perfect car for someone with 3 kids” “This car suits someone that’s on the road a lot”
Watch Mike from Causeway Hyundai nail the personalization:
The meat and potatoes of your videos should be packed with VALUE. Video is a way to offer customers (1) something they didn’t have before (2) something they cannot get by simply browsing online.
Statistics show that brevity is best! 90 seconds is the ideal length for walkaround videos. Each second that passes, your customer’s attention span decreases. Choose carefully what you’d like to include, and consider only mentioning features that serve your customer specifically. Offer the trailer, not the whole movie!
Richard from Infiniti of San Antonio delivers serious value in 93 seconds:
What’s your goal in sending videos? The answer to this question can help create a quality call to action. When the video is over, should they: Call you? Forward it? Stop in after work? Schedule a visit? A good call to action specifically communicates the next step.
Another important question to answer at the end of your videos is why your customer should take action sooner rather than later. You must assume your customer is going to mentally file your video away and move on with their day. Your job is to give them a reason not to. Creating urgency is an essential step in creating action!
TAKEAWAY: Which component needs the most work in your videos: the beginning, middle, or end? Choose (2) essential parts to incorporate into your videos today!