Best Practices

Did You Receive Your Google Places Notice?

It is nothing new to say that Google Places can be a pain in the neck especially if you have multiple franchises located at the same physical address.

Google Places Update LettersPCG has been working with the industry to educate, assist, and correct Google Places pages so that they can be leveraged during the Zero Moment of Truth. Once a dealer’s Google Places page is setup properly, they can start to use Google Adwords Express.

Adwords Express could be the BEST PPC strategy a dealer could leverage, if the dealership has strong reviews.

Google Places Notices Raise Concerns

Google Places Team have recently been sending out letters about updating information on Google Maps and Places. This is causing a stir, so let me advise you to be calm.

The notices are part of a transition that Google has in mind that will eventually transform what we know as Google Places to something better. Google now has a documented escalation process and trouble ticket system that is fixing Google Places issues in a timely manner.

In fact, Google has been listening to dealers and in the coming months you will see that Google does want businesses to control and leverage their business pages. The visibility, traffic, and advertising opportunities with Google Places FAR outweighs some of the pain that dealers experience as Google Places is transformed.

Dealers who ignore using Google Places to post reviews will lose significant free traffic, sales, and local relevance. The referral traffic generated by Google Places is often then #2 or #3 organic source, far above any third party review site.

Getting Your Places Page Fixed

The two links for Google Places problem resolution are listed below. By filling out these forms you will be sending request directly to the Google Places team. Typical turnaround time is 7 business days.

If it takes longer, Be Patient

For incorrect information (or other issues) on any external listing, please visit this troubleshooter:

For difficulties verifying a listing (either via PIN or bulk verification), please visit this troubleshooter:

So, calm down and wait till you see the ultimate plan by Google, is will satisfy the critics. Please do not stop getting your customers to post reviews on Google Places. Accelerate your in-store reputation management processes! When you invest in Google Places, you can advertise your excellent service in ads like the one shown below:

Google Adwords Express

Which of the three ads listed above do you think would have the highest Click Through Rate (CTR)?

Keep in mind that these ads can also be “+1” ‘d to show thumbnails of local customers.

If you need assistance, with in-store reputation management or insights into Google Places, drop me an email.

  • J
    Jeff Kershner
  • October 15, 2011
Thanks for the informational post Brian. We are always having discussions over in the forums around Google places and how much FUN it is to manage these pages. I sure hope this is Google step in the right direction in making it easier to update each of our Google Places pages.

Thanks for the links! I know many readers will appreciate it.

I have also found that if you can get a Google Adwords account rep on the phone and tell them you want to sign up for Google Express (spend some money with them) but your listing(s) are messed up, they'll work with you to resolve the issues you're having.

The biggest takeaway from this post - if you want the competitive advantage, have a strategy about getting great reviews on your Google Places page and get signed up on Google Boost!!

Thanks Brian.
  • M
    Magic Mike
  • October 24, 2011
Great post, thanks!

How about an independent dealer with multiple locations? I worked on this Friday and some today, and I'm still a bit miffed as to how we can list our multiple stores under one place.
Great Post!